Please Let This Happen…

Posted by rtmsf on April 23rd, 2007

Word out of Missouri is that Rick Majerus met with St. Louis University officials on Saturday night about the possibility of his taking the head coaching job there next season. SLU abruptly fired its coach Brad Soderberg several weeks ago, despite leading the Billikens to their first twenty-win season since 1998.

A simple Google search reveals that there are eleven Mobil three-star hotels in the St. Louis area, and over 13,000 restaurants within easy driving distance of St. Louis University, including dozens of steakhouses. Mmmm… midwestern beef. Majerus should feel right at home there, so long as the room service keeps the brats hot. An overlooked St. Louis perk is that one of the nation’s best hospitals, Washington University, also makes its home there. This is important for when Majerus inevitably decides to have his next coronary.

Having Majerus back amongst the coaching ranks is good for the game and the city of St. Louis. He’s a very likeable guy who consistently gets his teams to overachieve. Plus, we’re tired of hearing him say the word “offense” as “oaf-fense” from November to March. But mostly we’re just pleased as punch because Majerus and the Billiken have a strong likeness that we can enjoy for the duration of his contract.

billikenrick majerus

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