The RTC Roster


Rush the Court is the independent voice of college basketball. We are national in scope, but we strive to reach fans from all conferences in Division I hoops. Our format is news, debate, analysis and irreverence about the sport we love. Our site utilizes content generated by over 12 writers, but is primarily managed by a small team of editors. If you have tips, ideas, comments, interest in contributing to our site, or any other concerns, we can be reached at or @rushthecourt on Twitter.

*roster updated and active as of November 1, 2019. All of our roster can be followed on this handy Twitter list

National Columnists

ACC Microsite (@rtcACC)

Big East Microsite (@rtcbigeast)

Big Ten Microsite (@rushtheB1G)

Big 12 Microsite (@b12hoops)

Pac-12 Microsite (@rushthepac)

SEC Microsite (@rushtheSEC)

The Other 26 Microsite (@other26hoops)

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