KU’s Morningstar “Wins” A Game Of Horse

After catching this on their local news a few nights ago, Kansas fans are probably feeling even more thankful about the successful recruitment of Josh Selby.

OK, we’re just teasing, but we wonder how much hand-wringing (however misguided) this has caused in Jayhawkland.  KU rising senior Brady Morningstar took part in a game of HORSE against Andrew Baker and Kevin Romary, a couple of sports anchors from 6 News in Lawrence and, in a bit of a surprise, the local news boys took a few letters off of him:

Credit: KUSports.com

To be fair, in terms of the actual competition, Morningstar — who shot 39.6% from three-point range and 40.2% overall last season — had nothing to gain and everything to lose by going up on television against these guys, and he had to know that giving up anything past an “H” was going to raise some eyebrows, if not some audible groans, from KU backers.  And we have to give Brady some props for making fun of himself by using his slip-up free throw against Texas from last year as one of his shots in this contest.  Still, you’ve got to figure that he was at least a four-letter favorite, here.  That he got out to a four-letter lead on both anchors but still had an “R” taken off him means that there are probably some Jayhawk fans out there who have a few four-letter expressions they’d like to offer.  All credit to Morningstar, though, for being a good sport.

jstevrtc (547 Posts)


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  • Kansas is really going to have to worry about Morningstar this year. After seeing that video I can tell that Bill Self will have to think twice before putting Morningstar into the game. How will he ever have faith that Brady can hit the free throw with his eyes closed? That shot from beyond the 3 point line and actually off the court is one that happens in almost every game, but apparently Brady is unable to hit that one too. And the terror that will enter Jayhawk fans' hearts when Morningstar has to hit that shot from sitting in a chair will be present in every game. How will coach Self sleep when he knows that Morningstar can miss these critically fundamental shots in pressure situations?

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