RTC Seeks Regional Correspondents

Now that we’re into the practice portion of the season and games begin in three short weeks, RTC needs to complement our extensive network of conference correspondents with some folks in different regions of the country who would like to become RTC Regional Correspondents.

If you’re someone who keeps a sharp eye and ear about the college basketball goings-on in your area – nothing really gets past you – then shoot us an email and tell us a little bit about yourself.  Ideally, you’d have experience working in print or online media and can write a sentence or two without your head exploding, but that’s not an absolute requirement if you pay close attention to hoops in your area and understand the kinds of things we’re looking for.  Here are the preferred criteria:

  • You pay very close attention to college basketball in your region.
  • You are technically savvy.
  • You have some experience in print/online media.
  • You can write in plain English.
  • You’re dependable, reliable and responsive (quick turnaround on emails).
  • You’re willing to be paid in milksteak (boiled over raw) and jelly beans.

If you think any or all of those criteria sound like you, send us an email at rushthecourt@yahoo.com for more information.

Note: if you’re an exceptional writer, we’re also still seeking a conference correspondent for the Big 12 Conference.

rtmsf (3998 Posts)


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