NCAA to Former Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Indiana: Get Bent!

Today the NCAA rejected former Indiana head coach Kelvin Sampson’s appeal for leniency with respect to his existing moratorium on coaching at a member institution (technically, Sampson can be hired somewhere, but the institution hiring him must show the NCAA that it understands the recruiting penalties he’ll be working under and outline how they will monitor him – a rather burdensome process).  In his appeal, Sampson argued that 1) the NCAA’s finding that he “knowingly violated [NCAA] penalties” from the Oklahoma probation while coaching at Indiana was meritless; and, 2) that the NCAA is biased against him for some reason.  The NCAA quickly brushed aside these points by merely stating that it finds “no basis” on which to conclude their findings were “contrary to the evidence.”  Well, now. 

What About This Former Head Men's Basketball Coach at IU?

What’s odd about this report is that nowhere in the entire ten-page document is Kelvin Sampson actually named.  For some reason, the NCAA repeatedly referred to Sampson as “Former Head Men’s Basketball Coach” at Indiana University.  The only other identifier is the infractions report number (287), so how can we be certain that they’re imposing these restrictions on Sampson?  What if Bob Knight tries to return next season?  Or Branch McCracken?  Everett Dean?  Will they too have to carry the weight of these penalties as a “Former Head Men’s Basketball Coach” as well?

All kidding aside, let’s all agree to not talk about the Current Assistant Basketball Coach for the Milwaukee Bucks ever again.  Or at least until some snivelling school desperate for Ws gets it in their heads that, “hey, we can hire a second-rate F4 coach for peanuts and all we have to do is track his phone calls!  We can do that!”  RTC sets the over/under on a collegiate job offer for the CABC of the Bucks at two years (2011). 

rtmsf (3998 Posts)
