It’s finally here!

After spending the last couple of days creating previews for the regions, we’re ready for the big day. We’ll be watching basketball pretty much all day (with the small exception of a short rehab trip so we can move our knee since we have to run the Boston Marathon in about a month). We are going to try to post updates as often as possible and eventually try to get a chatroom setup if possible. We’ll leave you with some interesting links and predictions that we have seen over the past couple of days, but were too busy to post.

Before we get to that, we suggest that if you haven’t done it already, sign up for the Rush The Court pool.

Now, onto the links:
Our first round schedule run-down
Our analysis of the East region
Our analysis of the West region
Our analysis of the Midwest region
Our analysis of the South region

Ok, now seriously onto other people’s links. . .
– If you haven’t done so already, sign up for March Madness on Demand so you can watch all the games on your computer if you’re working. . .(Hint: “Alt + Tab” if you boss is nearby)
Bob Ryan decides its time to care about college basketball again and chimes in with his thoughts
ESPN.com’s Insider NCAA Tournament Guide
A panel of ESPN experts offer their answers to a bunch of random questions
Lunardi decides that predicting brackets isn’t enough to justify his career so now he’s predicting the scores for every game in the tournament.
Tim Keown’s “64 things to mull over before Thursday”
ESPN The Magazine offers some tips for picking your bracket
Vegas Watch asks the question about what the odds are of picking a perfect bracket. It’s a good read as is the rest of his site. We highly recommend it.
Picks from the sports expert in the Bill Simmons’s family. . .his wife
Here are the picks from the loser of the Simmons family pool along with a love letter to UCLA
The postseason blog of CNNSI.com’s Luke Winn (CNNSI.com)
Bill Trocchi on CNNSI.com offers his perspective on how to pick Cinderellas
The brackets of CNNSI.com’s writers

That’s it for now. If you have any links that you think we should include, send it to healthcarewatch@gmail.com

nvr1983 (1398 Posts)
